Monday, December 13, 2010

Art is all Around

There are so many reasons to love the Texas Panhandle, and the fact that we live among the talent we do is yet another.

The person behind you in the check out line at the grocery store enjoys fresh produce, and they are also an award winning poet. The guy who held the door open for you at the post office is a brilliant pianist or the couple sitting in front of you at church creates sculpture works out of metal.

When I interviewed James Gardner and Doug Storey at the recent FASO concert, they both noted the wealth of talent found right here in Amarillo and the surrounding communities. You don’t have to travel to Dallas or New York City to see quality art, you can find it easily here at home. And, if you can’t make it to an opening, a poetry reading or concert performance you can watch it on “artZONE”. Our goal, here at KACV, is to bring our viewers a sampling of what is out there in the arts community. With “artZONE”, we want to give everyone access to the abundant talent and creativity living and working here at home. Watch “artZONE” on TV, on your computer or on your mobile device, then become a part of the art and join us on Facebook.

Take a look at these clips from the recent FASO concert the KACV crew shot last September. Capturing expressive moments for all of us to share…”artZONE” is there.