Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Happens Next?

On Saturday September 12th, “The Natural Wonder of Texas: Palo Duro Canyon” aird on KACV-TV. It was a wonderful feeling to see the results of our hard work fill the screen after many months of preparation, research, interviews, shooting, digging up pictures, building timelines etc. But, at the same time, it was kind of bittersweet because its over.

While Dale Robinson, Buddy Squyres and I put this show together, we learned a lot of things about Palo Duro Canyon and we also met a bunch of really cool people who in one way or another make the canyon a better place. They study it: like Gerald Schultz, Jeff Indeck and Lisa Jackson, they work in it: like Bernice Blasingame, Randy Ferris and Mark Hassell, teach others about it: like Peter Petersen and Susan Thompson or they perform in it: like Bill Anderson and Dean Kelley or in the case of Tom Christian, they call it home.
It was a privilege for us to bring the story of Palo Duro Canyon to our viewers. I know I will never think of the canyon the same way again.

In case you missed "The Natural Wonder of Texas: Palo Duro Canyon”, it airs again on Tuesday September 22nd at 7:00. Enjoy the show and thank you for watching and supporting public television in the Panhandle.

1 comment:

  1. What a great show. You should all be proud of your hard work. Thank you.
